Workmen's Compensation

Protects the worker from source injuries accidental, guaranteeing pensions and compensation for work accidents and illnesses professionals. Also covers liability for all legal charges levied on medical care, medication or hospital due to work related accidents. Expenses of funeral in case of death and, or any type of situation that the worker suffers while in the exercise and that is directly related to the professional activity, in the territory of the Republic of Mozambique.


Economic activity;

Coverage for any accident occurred in:

The exercise of the company's activity.
Travel to and from work.


Damage incurred that may be caused by loss, destruction, or malfunction of goods or injury.

Asset Damage

Damage which, after financial assesment, must be repaid.

Non-Asset Damage

Damage which is not subject to financial assessment but that must be paid as it is pursuant to obligation.

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